Saturday, March 12, 2011


Entering the hobby of keeping exotic pets at home such as the tarantula and the scorpion is a wonderful experience. The first tarantula that I kept is the Hondurian curly Hair (Brachypelma albopilosum) and I named him Congo, he was a very active tarantula that I have. This specie is good for beginners since this is one of the most docile tarantula on the hobby. The first scorpion that I have was the Heterometrus Longimanus or commonly known as the Asian Forest Scorpion. I call her Behemuth and she was very calm and showy. Handling tarantulas and scorpion is not really advisable. You need to make sure that you know the type of specie you attempt to handle especially on scorpions.

Tarantulas and scorpions are thought to be the most dangerous insects in the world. Most people believed that these creatures are poisonous and can kill humans with a single bite or sting.

Tarantulas are venomous but not poisonous. Just like a bee sting, the effect of tarantula venom may vary from person to person. However, it is usually best to see a doctor if bitten by a tarantula. A tarantula bite can be very painful.  Tarantulas use their venom to digest their food.

All species of scorpions are poisonous for their preys (mostly insects, for which they are always deadly) but a very small number of their species can be dangerous to humans. 

In selecting pets of this kind needs a further research for you to understand and meet the requirements of the ideal tarantula or scorpion you choose. There are several Do’s and Don’ts that needs to consider in adopting this pets. Housing arachnids at home needs a gentle care to copy the original environment of the specie.

Handling is not advisable to other species of tarantulas such as the OLD world tarantulas, one specific aggressive type is the Mombasa golden starburst tarantula'. This species of spider is very aggressive and should not be held. But there are still some tarantulas that are very lovable and docile to handle. The tarantulas from South and Central America such as the Mexican red rump (Brachypelma vagans), Mexican Red Knee (Brachypelma smithi), hondurian curly Hair (Brachypelma albopilosum), Brazillian Black (Grammostola pulcher), and the Chillian Rose (Grammostola rosea). This tarantulas are good for beginners.

Scorpions of the Pandinus specie is the recommended scorpions to keep as a pet. The Emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator) is fairly docile and its sting is said to be roughly the same as a bee or wasp sting(although some may have allergic reaction to stings and may need medical treatment). The venom is level 1out of 5(where in level 5 is the highest) and not lethal to human. This type of specie is good for beginners.

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